Epynt Motor Club App Guide

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Licenced until 31st December 2029     
Latest Release of the "TimingAppLive" App is 2.00
google-play      app-store

Cost is £1.75p per entry :- Details Here.

Sign up a new motorsport club Click Here. Support provided by email to my claveyj at gmail account.

Review the Webinar we did with MSUK on the App side of this system Click Here.

Sapphire Solutions also provide a solution for Road Rallies called "RallyAppLive" Click Here
And a solution for Sporting, Production, Classic Trials called "TrialsAppLive" Click Here

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa Live Leaderboards and Timing Runs.

Marshals and Competitors can both use the App to view "Live" Leaderboards.

Select your event to view the first Leaderboard.

Tap the name to view other leaderboards from the dropdown list.

App Screen

Start-Up Screen

App Screen

Event Selection

App Screen

Live Leaderboards

Marshals can login to record run times by first entering their club's code.

Then they select which timing system they will be using (See below).

Selecting the Event and Test they will be timing.

App Screen

Club Login

App Screen

Options Screen

App Screen

Event Selection

App Screen

Options Screen

App Screen

Test Selection

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with Marshals timing the Start and Finish of each run.

Marshals at the Start Line first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they start the timer (volume or screen button) as the driver starts his run.

Timer is stopped at the finish line and a time is shown.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Timer Running

App Screen

Post Run Time

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Driver

The number of runs remaining can be checked at any time by pressing on the "Runs Left" button

App Screen

Runs Remaining

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with Marshals timing the Start and Finish of each run and selecting driver afterwards.

Marshals at the Start Line first selects the top option from the list.

Then they start the timer (volume or screen button) as the driver starts his run.

Timer is stopped at the finish line and a time is shown.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Timer Running

App Screen

Post Run Time

App Screen

Select Driver

App Screen

Add Penalties and Save

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Timing Screen

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with seperate Marshals timing the Start and Finish of each run.
Start Screens.

Before each test marshals should synchronise their clocks with all the devices to be used for timing.

Simply put each device onto this screen and use the advance or delay arrows until each is in sync with the others.

App Screen

Sync Clocks

Marshals at the Start Line first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they record a time (volume or screen button) as the driver starts his run.

After tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Start Screen

App Screen

Run Started

App Screen

Back to Driver

Finish Screens.

Before each test marshals should synchronise their clocks with all the devices to be used for timing.

Simply put each device onto this screen and use the advance or delay arrows until each is in sync with the others.

App Screen

Sync Clocks

Marshals at the Finish Line record a time as the driver crosses the line.

Then they select the correct driver of those started and any penalties.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Finish screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Finish Screen

App Screen

Run Finished

App Screen

Added Run Time

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Finish

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa for Marshals to add penalties during or after each run.

If the admin passcode is setup for your club

(It can be added in "Account Details" online)

then the App will prompt you for this passcode before allowing you access to adding penalties.

App Screen

Admin Passcode

Marshals or Administrator first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they can record any penalties.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Verify Correct Driver

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Driver

Extra runs can be removed.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

This screen can remove a run.

App Screen

Remove Extra Runs

App Screen

Remove Confirm

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with Marshals using the FDS TBox timing equipment.

Marshals at the Start Line first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they record the time of his run in milliseconds as recorded by the timing equipment.

App Screen

Driver Selection

Initially you will need to link the App to the TBox via bluetooth.

Make sure your bluetooth is turned on and the TBox is ready (tap the power button).

Once linked up the App receives times automatically.

App Screen

Bluetooth Connection

App Screen

TBox Selection

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Timer Running

App Screen

Run Time

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Driver

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run

If using the seperate start and finish timing with two TBoxes then the Finish Screen will offer up the times triggered by the finish beam.

To remove a extra time recorded in error do a long press on that time and confirm removal.

App Screen

Show Times Recorded

App Screen

Time Selection

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with Marshals manually inputting times of each run.

Marshals at the Start Line first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they record the time of his run in milliseconds as shown by the timing equipment.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Time Input

App Screen

Run Time

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Driver

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa with Marshals timing multiple Start and Finish times.

Marshals at the Finish Line records the Start and Finish Times.

Start and Finish Times can be recorded manually or are automatically received from the timing beams.

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Time Selections

App Screen

Time Confirmation

App Screen

Select Driver

App Screen

Add Penalties and Save

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

App Screen

Back to Timing Screen

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run

App Screens for Autotest/Autosolo/Targa for Marshals to add penalties locations during or after each run.

Marshals or Administrator first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they can record any penalty locations.

Then after tapping a location they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Penalty Location

App Screen

Back to Driver

App Screens for Lap Timer.

Marshals or Administrator first selects a Driver from the list.

Then lap times are recorded by simply tapping the button for each lap or by the FDS beams being triggered.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Start Lap Timer

App Screen

Record Each Lap

Marshal scrutineering and noise checks.

Marshal selects each driver and records a Pass for scrutineering and noise checks.

If selected in error then selection can be reversed by re-tapping each selection.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Recording Checks